Episode 76
Issue 2022-W18 Highlights
May 5th, 2022
30 mins 43 secs
About this Episode
A brand-new tables gallery powered by the R community, noteworthy items from the Appsilon Shiny conference, and R-Markdown is not going anywhere.
Episode Links
- This week's curator: Eric Nantz (@theRcast)
- RStudio Community Table Gallery
- shinytest2, Rhino R Shiny framework top news at Appsilon conference
- With Quarto coming, is R Markdown going away? No.
- Entire issue available at rweekly.org/2022-W18
Supplement Resources
- https://community.rstudio.com/t/expected-goals-xg-shot-timeline-for-soccer-football-with-gt/86449
- https://community.rstudio.com/t/conditionally-formatted-state-transition-matrices/120336
- https://www.rstudio.com/champion
- R-Podcast episode 24 (Yihui Xie returns) https://r-podcast.org/024-rstudioconf-yihui-xie