Episode 118
Issue 2023-W15 Highlights
April 12th, 2023
47 mins 2 secs
About this Episode
A data-driven look at package loading annotations in R scripts, a fit-for-purpose package that makes a large contribution to the global R ecosystem, and a collection of amazing showcases of webR in action that is paving the way for continued innovation.
Episode Links
- This week's curator: Tony Elhabr - @TonyElHabr (Twitter) & @tonyelhabr@skrimmage.com (Mastodon)
- What are people commenting about their loaded packages?
- Introducing rtlr - an R Package for RTL Languages
- hrbrmstr's WebR Experiments Index
- Entire issue available at rweekly.org/2023-W15
Supplement Resources
- annotater: Annotate Package Load Calls https://github.com/luisDVA/annotater
- cld3: R wrapper to Google's Compact Language Detector 3 https://docs.ropensci.org/cld3/
- shiny.i18n: Shiny applications internationalization made easy https://appsilon.github.io/shiny.i18n/
- JavaScript for R https://book.javascript-for-r.com/
- Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny https://unleash-shiny.rinterface.com/
- JavaScript for Data Science https://www.amazon.com/JavaScript-Data-Science-Chapman-Hall-ebook/dp/B084H2JXSY
- A Way Better Structured WebR Demo App https://rud.is/b/2023/03/12/almost-bare-bones-webr-starter-app/
- An example of using WebR with Lit components https://rud.is/w/lit-webr/
- WebR & Pyodide: Another WebR Experiment https://rud.is/w/webr-pyodide/
- An R template/tag function for WebR https://rud.is/w/r-template-tag-function/
- Monaco-powered WebR "REPL" https://rud.is/w/repl
- https://observablehq.com/@hrbrmstr/fiddling-with-r-universe-webr
Supporting the show
- Use the contact page at https://rweekly.fireside.fm/contact to send us your feedback
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- A new way to think about value: https://value4value.info
- Get in touch with us on social media
- Eric Nantz: @theRcast (Twitter) and @rpodcast@podcastindex.social (Mastodon)
- Mike Thomas: @mike_ketchbrook (Twitter) and @mike_thomas@fosstodon.org (Mastodon)